Saskatoon Circle grows closer daily! Our planning is coming along, lots of pieces are falling into place! We are excited to have so many great instructors joining us this year. Just heard from Johnny Miller today- he's adding "Fun with Beavers" to his class list, in addition to teaming up with Rollean on tire sandals (an abo classic). No doubt we may pick up a few instructors at Rabbitstick, so stay tuned as we add more good things to Saskatoon Circle.
One good thing we do know about is the 5 gallons of delicious roasted tomato and hot pepper salsa being made for one of our go along with Rico's famous chile sauce. The food promises to be delicious with lots of local organic veggies, clean meat, eggs, and milk- mostly local too, and maybe even a few saskatoons!
Check out our website at for online registration and more info...and you can also find us on facebook- Thanks Rosalee!
Hope you will join us around the fire!